
# Twitter notification channel for Laravel

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This package makes it easy to send Laravel notifications using Twitter (opens new window). (Laravel 8+)

PS: v8 now uses the new Twitter API V2. Please read the upgrade guide for your app here (opens new window).

# Contents

# About

This package is part of the Laravel Notification Channels (opens new window) project. It provides additional Laravel Notification channels to the ones given by Laravel (opens new window) itself.

The Twitter channel makes it possible to send out Laravel notifications as a Twitter tweet (post on the timeline) or as a direct message.

# Installation

If you prefer a video, there is also an introduction video (opens new window) available for you. If not, just read on.

You can install this package via composer:

composer require laravel-notification-channels/twitter

The service provider gets loaded automatically.

# Twitter App & Credentials

You will need to create (opens new window) a Twitter app to use this channel. Within this app, you will find the keys and access tokens.

Your Twitter app must be within a project. Also, make sure to activate the user authentication settings:


After that, you have to regenerate your access token and secret. If done correctly, you should see the right permissions for your access tokens:


Make sure to copy the right credentials and place them inside your .env file.


To load them, add this to your config/services.php file:

'twitter' => [
    'consumer_key'    => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY'),
    'consumer_secret' => env('TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET'),
    'access_token'    => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'),
    'access_secret'   => env('TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET')

# Usage

To use this package, you need to create a notification class, like NewsWasPublished from the example below, in your Laravel application. Make sure to check out Laravel's documentation (opens new window) for this process.

# Publish a Twitter status update


use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use NotificationChannels\Twitter\TwitterChannel;
use NotificationChannels\Twitter\TwitterMessage;
use NotificationChannels\Twitter\TwitterStatusUpdate;

class NewsWasPublished extends Notification
     * Get the notification's delivery channels.
     * @param  mixed  $notifiable
     * @return array
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [TwitterChannel::class];

    public function toTwitter(mixed $notifiable): TwitterMessage
        return new TwitterStatusUpdate('Laravel notifications are awesome!');

Take a closer look at the toTwitter method. Here, we define what kind of Twitter message we want to trigger. In this case, it is a status update message, which is just a new message in your timeline.

public function toTwitter(mixed $notifiable): TwitterMessage
    return new TwitterStatusUpdate('Laravel notifications are awesome!');

# Publish Twitter status update with images

It is possible to publish images with your status update too. You have to pass the image path to the withImage method.

public function toTwitter(mixed $notifiable): TwitterMessage
    return (new TwitterStatusUpdate('Laravel notifications are awesome!'))->withImage('marcel.png');

If you want to use multiple images, just pass an array of paths.

return (new TwitterStatusUpdate('Laravel notifications are awesome!'))->withImage([

# Publish Twitter status update with videos

It is possible to publish videos with your status update too. You have to pass the video path to the withVideo method.

public function toTwitter(mixed $notifiable): TwitterMessage
    return (new TwitterStatusUpdate('Laravel notifications are awesome!'))->withVideo('video.mp4');

If you want to use multiple videos, just pass an array of paths.

return (new TwitterStatusUpdate('Laravel notifications are awesome!'))->withVideo([

# Publish Twitter status update with both images and videos

It is also possible to publish both images and videos with your status by using a mixture of the two methods.

return (new TwitterStatusUpdate('Laravel notifications are awesome!'))->withVideo([

# Publish a Twitter status update in reply to another tweet

Additionally, you can publish a status update in reply to another tweet. This is possible by using the inReplyTo method.

public function toTwitter(mixed $notifiable): TwitterMessage
    return (new TwitterStatusUpdate('@christophrumpel Laravel notifications are awesome!'))->inReplyTo(123);

Note that the reply status ID will be ignored if you omit the author of the original tweet, according to Twitter docs.

# Send a direct message (NOT working with the FREE Twitter API plan!)

To send a Twitter direct message to a specific user, you will need the TwitterDirectMessage class. Provide the Twitter user handler as the first parameter and the message as the second one.

public function toTwitter(mixed $notifiable): TwitterMessage
     return new TwitterDirectMessage('marcelpociot', 'Hey Marcel, it was nice meeting you at the Laracon.');

You can also provide the user ID instead of the screen name. This would prevent an extra Twitter API call. Make sure to pass it as an integer when you do.

public function toTwitter(mixed $notifiable): TwitterMessage
     return new TwitterDirectMessage(12345, 'Hey Marcel, it was nice meeting you at the Laracon.');

# Handle multiple Twitter Accounts

There might be cases where you need to handle multiple Twitter accounts. This means you need to be able to change the provided keys and tokens of your Twitter app. Luckily, Laravel (opens new window) can help you here. In your notifiable model, you can define the routeNotifiactionForTwitter method. Here you can override the provided settings.

public function routeNotificationForTwitter($notification)
   return [

# Changelog

Please see CHANGELOG (opens new window) for more information about what has changed recently.

# Testing

$ composer test

# Security

If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

# Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING (opens new window) for details.

# Credits

# License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File (opens new window) for more information.