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# Messagebird notifications channel for Laravel
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This package makes it easy to send Messagebird SMS notifications (opens new window) with Laravel.
# Contents
- Requirements
- Installation
- Setting up your Messagebird account
- Usage
- Changelog
- Testing
- Security
- Contributing
- Credits
- License
# Requirements
- Sign up (opens new window) for a free MessageBird account
- Create a new access_key in the developers sections
# Installation
You can install the package via composer:
composer require laravel-notification-channels/messagebird
for Laravel 5.4 or lower, you must add the service provider to your config:
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
# Setting up your Messagebird account
Add the environment variables to your config/services.php
// config/services.php
'messagebird' => [
'access_key' => env('MESSAGEBIRD_ACCESS_KEY'),
'originator' => env('MESSAGEBIRD_ORIGINATOR'),
'recipients' => env('MESSAGEBIRD_RECIPIENTS'),
Add your Messagebird Access Key, Default originator (name or number of sender), and default recipients to your .env
// .env
Notice: The originator can contain a maximum of 11 alfa-numeric characters.
# Usage
Now you can use the channel in your via()
method inside the notification:
use NotificationChannels\Messagebird\MessagebirdChannel;
use NotificationChannels\Messagebird\MessagebirdMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
class VpsServerOrdered extends Notification
public function via($notifiable)
return [MessagebirdChannel::class];
public function toMessagebird($notifiable)
return (new MessagebirdMessage("Your {$notifiable->service} was ordered!"));
Additionally you can add recipients (single value or array)
return (new MessagebirdMessage("Your {$notifiable->service} was ordered!"))->setRecipients($recipients);
In order to handle a status report you can also set a reference
return (new MessagebirdMessage("Your {$notifiable->service} was ordered!"))->setReference($id);
# Changelog
Please see CHANGELOG (opens new window) for more information what has changed recently.
# Testing
$ composer test
# Security
If you discover any security related issues, please email psteenbergen@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.
# Contributing
Please see CONTRIBUTING (opens new window) for details.
# Credits
- Peter Steenbergen (opens new window)
- Tonko Mulder (opens new window)
- All Contributors (opens new window)
# License
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File (opens new window) for more information.